Whilst the pleasure and benefits of self promotion can be high and perhaps treated as just that, the associated potential negative financial consequences from self publishing could be very high which can erode the former purpose.
If you would care to discuss a mechanism and a device that would ensure two positives resulting from self publishing then by all means go to the site and consider booking a preparatory discussion to determine whether you would wish to explore the way ahead for making your self publishing venture a truly win win one to be proud of.
Publishing can take many forms and my enthusiasm is for stepping up further than ’self publishing’ which whilst is hugely enjoyable can potentially leave excess stock with the accompanying storage considerations. Also and most importantly the need for vigorous marketing activity and other associated costs of self publishing.
To start a FREE 30 minute call with Charlie to discuss desired publishing opportunities
A tailored and unique approaches will be taken upon an individual basis
Total costs with be calculated indivudually
Dorset (although other locations can be considered)
To start a portfolio of your current work will be needed.
Stuart Woodridge said:
"I just wanted to drop you a very quick message of thanks for such a wonderful day. I thoroughly enjoyed our day together and found your insights practical and very enthusing. The photo we created is absolutely wonderful."
Christopher Wren said:
"Thank you very much for a wonderful time in Dorset last week. Despite the weather I enjoyed the trip very much and learned a lot. I am very impressed by your patience and enthusiasm."
Andy Duff said:
"Just a quick note to say I really enjoyed Charlie Waite's presentation on Tuesday. I thought he struck a really good balance between his own images and speaking about those which had influenced him. It was also very refreshing to see how open he was about his own techniques and happy to share his "secrets". I appreciated that he was comfortable with sharing his own images and criticising some of them - he is obviously very highly critical of himself, and I guess that is part of what has got him where he is today. "
Martin Stones said:
"“Not only did I learn loads on my two days with Charlie, I had a great time and despite the gloomy weather we made a couple of fantastic images which will soon be on the wall. Thank you to Charlie and the team, I hope this is only the beginning .” "