Increase your visibility and presence or simply your confidence, by booking an online review of your landscape photography with Charlie Waite. A portfolio is an invaluable and essential tool to showcase your work and every serious photographer should not be without a well presented and carefully constructed portfolio.
You may prefer to simply have a number of your images critiqued to set you on the right track on your photographic journey helping you understand your unique view and approach to your work and how best to build on this.
Either way, Charlie would be delighted to help.
All you have to do is to book your session via this tuition page. You will receive an automated response confirming payment and then a member of the team will contact you directly to book your timeslot with Charlie and send you instructions on next steps to ensure your critque session runs as smoothly as possible. We advise you to prepare 10 of your images to send to the studio before the Skype session via WeTransfer or Dropbox. A member of the team will be in touch in the week before your Skype with more details.
A 60 minute session via skype between Charlie and yourself, or a person of your choice, to review yours, or their landscape photography.
The design of, or materials to construct a portfolio.
Simply send between 10-25 images via we-transfer or mailbigfile to approximatley a week before your agreed review.
Stuart Woodridge said:
"I just wanted to drop you a very quick message of thanks for such a wonderful day. I thoroughly enjoyed our day together and found your insights practical and very enthusing. The photo we created is absolutely wonderful."
Andy Duff said:
"Just a quick note to say I really enjoyed Charlie Waite's presentation on Tuesday. I thought he struck a really good balance between his own images and speaking about those which had influenced him. It was also very refreshing to see how open he was about his own techniques and happy to share his "secrets". I appreciated that he was comfortable with sharing his own images and criticising some of them - he is obviously very highly critical of himself, and I guess that is part of what has got him where he is today. "
Christopher Wren said:
"Thank you very much for a wonderful time in Dorset last week. Despite the weather I enjoyed the trip very much and learned a lot. I am very impressed by your patience and enthusiasm."
Martin Stones said:
"“Not only did I learn loads on my two days with Charlie, I had a great time and despite the gloomy weather we made a couple of fantastic images which will soon be on the wall. Thank you to Charlie and the team, I hope this is only the beginning .” "